Thursday, November 5, 2009

What the doctor said...

Well, it's official. I'm going to live. :) Today was my checkup with the cardiologist. All is well! Seems like I'm in good shape! Here's what he said...

The results from my stress test were rockin'! I ran on that treadmill forever! What does this mean? My heart can still work hard if it has to and my new stent is making itself at home. The test proves that it's healing up well. Thank goodness for that! How do you get it OUT if it has an attitude?!?

The grumpy news is that I'm going to have to carry nitroglycerin for a very long time and I'll need to stay on a bunch of medication for the rest of my life. I'll take it folks! It seems my heart has spasms and the arteries get squeezed. Ouch. That's the chest pain I've been feeling. It's called angina and I'll have to get used to it. Nitro does help greatly and with some medication tinkering I'll be fine.

What does this mean? When my chest hurts, I park it until it stops. That's it! I can live with this! With a good diet and if I keep ahead of the heart disease it won't take hold again. It's not a guarantee against another attack, but this REALLY ups my odds. Good, good news. It doesn't get better then that folks. Once you have heart disease you always have it. It's not something you can cure. What this news means is that we've turned the tables. Heart disease doesn't have a death grip on me. I have a death grip on it.

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