One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish. Aaand again. Some people say count to 10 when you're pissed off. Me? I quote Dr. Seuss. My husband thinks this puts me one check mark closer to certifiable but I like it. Trust me, it has a soothing effect. Usually.
No amount of red fish, blue fish can fix this level of irritated. I've got a stress test with ECHO scheduled today (My last for a LONG time!) and I'm not looking forward to it. I HATE this stinkin' test. Worse, it's just a check up and I'm missing an entire day of work for it. Worse, worst! I can't eat or have caffeine or take my heart pills till it's done. And it's scheduled for late this afternoon. If complaining would get me out of this I would not-hafta-go three times.
The Heart Nazi cracked a Diet Coke right in front of me this morning and I about went kung fu on him. Sorry, but that's a fightin' offense. This sweet southern girl almost went redneck over a Diet Coke. One fish, two fish...
Yeah, yeah. I'm going. I'm inches from my one year heart anniversary and I need this dumb test to put me closer to in the clear. One year in the clear means my life expectancy goes up and I've proven I'm healing well. Gillian is officially living with heart disease. Bada bing! I'll be happy about it tomorrow. I'll celebrate with a caffeinated beverage. Today I'm going to have an attitude thank-you-very-much. Red fish, blue fish...