Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Awkward moments.

Do you ever wish you could have a conversation with your brain and warn it that an awkward moment was about to happen? "Excuse me brain but your body is about to commit an epic fail if you don't wake the hell up!" You know, something like that. I had an awkward moment at work this week. While it's not that interesting, for some random, meaningless reason it triggered a childhood memory. Go figure.

When I was mini Gillian my mother took me to New Orleans for some quality "girl time." A chocolate, ice cream, toy covered afternoon of awesomeness (I didn't forget THAT part!) was had in the French Quarter. Mom was amazing. The woman cornered the market for decadent, memory making, fun.

For some odd reason that involved finding lunch, Mom found herself carting mini Gillian down Bourbon Street in the middle of the afternoon. I have no idea how we got there but I remember seeing two legs poking out the side of a building.


I had spotted a strip club. Does mini Gillian know what that is? Nope, didn't. Mini Gillian unleashed a rapid fire list of questions about those legs. Mom dodged, I countered and pressed. And that how I got the "sex talk" standing directly under the mechanical, swinging legs of Big Daddy's on Bourbon Street. Epic. Fail.

Could I have just avoided that torture altogether? Sure could! Did I just shut my mouth and kept on trucking down the street after my mother? Sure didn't. I just haaad to ask questions didn't I? I walked right into that one didn't I? Okay Brain, where were you THEN huh?!?


  1. Ok, this made me laugh out loud at work!

    What were you supposed to do? You didn't know any better!

    I bet she was embarrassed, but I bet you both laughed about it later on. :)

  2. hahaha - ah, that's practically a gulf coast kid rite of passage, awkward french quarter moments with your parents as a child. mine was when my mom bought me a peach praline sundae somewhere on bourbon when i was, like, eight. yeah, there was so much booze in that thing that little baby mags was just loaded for bear. that was a fun day... :)
