Friday, January 15, 2010

The Grumbly Cloud of Doom

My husband and I are very well suited. I'm a born caregiver and he's the most accident prone person I've ever met. I LIKE taking care of people and he needs quite a bit of attention. I swear the man has an Eeyore grumbly cloud of doom over his head. His attitude is much the same as well. Oh bother. For a while there I felt like we were always tacking his tail back on. What do I mean? Well...

Let's see here. He's broken his back, collarbone, and shattered an ankle. He severed arteries, nerves, and tendons. His head has been whacked open and he's gone to the ER too many times to count for stitches. He's seen the wrong side of a nail gun and has an unfortunate tendency to think duct tape is an acceptable band aid. The poor guy is an orthopedic surgeon's dream. He's had screws put in then some pulled out as well and several other hospital stays. He's the only guy I know that can go shopping at Home Depot and come home with a leg wound bad enough to land him in the ER. Seriously. It's happened. See what I mean? Poor baby.

Now I'm a pro at being in the hospital but I've never been a "guest" there myself. I've always been the one in the chair and not in the bed. Imagine my surprise when my hospital hating, doctor allergic husband stepped up! Guys, I'm just so proud of him. He stayed there with me and held my hand. When I needed him, he was there. For the whole first month he did the laundry and went grocery shopping. He picked up prescriptions and books then would head into work. Isn't that the sweetest thing? When I commented on it I was given that guy kind of shrug. "I owed you one and we're a team." He's right of course. We ARE a team. I just hope we can make it a year or two before one of us gets busted up again!

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