Wednesday, January 6, 2010

This is not your grandfather's heart disease.

I'm stunned by the amount of emails I'm getting. They are tear inducing, inspiring, and just plain amazing. One thing sticks out though. SO MANY stories are about one thing. "I lost a loved one and I had no idea there was a problem." or "My grandfather died and we couldn't save him." Please, please hear me on this.

There was NOTHING you could have done.

I know it's hard to believe but it's true. This is not the heart disease of our grandparent's time. Heart disease has changed. Decades ago there was no treatment, no diagnosis, and no medications to fight heart disease. If you had a heart attack there was no warning and you died. If not then, pretty soon after. If I had been alive back then I would be dead. Period.

I am alive today for one reason. New and radical technology has become available. From the Plavix, to the clip in my leg, all the way to the stent in my heart... absolutely everything is a new medical breakthrough. Advances have been made that make it possible for heart patients like me to have a shot at a long and healthy life. I have a chance for something that wasn't even an option 50 years ago. I have a chance to live.

I stand on the shoulders of all those people that have fallen due to heart disease. Because of their loss, their children stood up and demanded answers. We needed better and we got it. EVERYTHING is different now. There is education, prevention, medication, surgeries, even transplants. None of these things were available before. Even this blog is a testament to how things are different. One 30 year old heart patient can reach all of you without ever getting off her laptop.

Every year brings new and exciting things to treating heart disease. Funding pours in and results pour out. I know it's scary to think that you may have what killed your grandfather. Please keep in mind that he may have been alive today if he was given what you have. It's BECAUSE of your grandfather that you're alive to fight. What they had was absolutely lethal. What WE have we can fight.

So here is my advice. Let go of the things you can't change. Honor their memory by doing the one thing they didn't have a chance to do. Beat heart disease. If you don't have it, fund it. If you do, get your butt in a gym. Our loved ones deserved better. Demand it for yourself instead.

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