Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Jeez. Warn a girl!

Well I survived Christmas! My head cold turned into acute bronchitis. Two weeks later the doctors were treating it aggressively and trying to stop it from turning into pneumonia. This, I'm learning, is a common problem. Heart patients just aren't strong enough to fight off infections. They tend to snowball which is why so many of us die of things like pneumonia. Our hearts just can't keep up. A good example of this happened when I was at my sickest. My heart rate and blood pressure were through the roof and I could hardly catch my breath. Everything my heart had was going to fighting the infection in my lungs. There just wasn't anything left. Luckily for me youth wins again. I'm on the mend and about to head back into rehab. I HATED being sidelined! Come on! I'm ready to graduate!

Ready for my oddball thing of the week? Sure took me by surprise! I bought my husband a stack of DVD's for Christmas. The first one in was an alien movie called District 9. I don't have a problem with action, or aliens, of gross stuff but this movie totally flipped me out! No clue why but it did. It boo-ed me. You know when something pops out and scares the bejesus out of you? You got boo-ed. I totally got boo-ed. I even did the little jump and the girlie eep! noise. Embarrassing.

I settle back down when out of the blue... chest pain. Great. Sitting, thinking about it, nope not going away. Holy goodness I just got boo-ed by an alien and now I have to take nitroglycerin. The only thing I could think was if I was actually having a heart attack I'd never live it down. This is a whole new level of ridiculous. I'd never survive an alien invasion. I pop a nitro pill under my tongue and settle down to watch the rest of the movie. My husband cuts his eyes over to me and casually checks the time. I know he won't say anything unless I take another one and he knows I won't appreciate a conversation right now. Anybody that knows you that well is worth keeping around. Thanks handsome.

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