Monday, December 14, 2009


Warning! This post is gross. If I didn't have some heart people as readers I wouldn't post it but I would have reeealy loved a heads up myself so here we go. Don't say I didn't warn you!

I got the flu!!! A month of hand sanitizer has been totally wasted and I got the flu anyway. So far, it's unidentified so I'm not worried about the swine variety yet. Why worry about something I can't change anyway? What I DO have is the fever, chills, runny nose, and generally achy miserable feeling. Medication has been called in and picked up so hopefully I'll feel better soon.

Ready for the gross part? Nosebleeds. Apparently if you take Plavix and you get sick a vein in your nose can bust and leave you with a really bad nosebleed. This would have been really useful information YESTERDAY! I've seen a lot of nosebleeds in my life and all it took was a little sneeze to cause the absolute baddest of the bad. I mean pouring blood. It was all over me and all over my clothes. So gross!!! It gets worse though. Plavix is designed to hinder clotting and prevent any from settling in your heart. Unfortunately, this means that clots that form in your nose don't know where they are and just fall out. Now I'd managed to remain calm until I saw that. Seriously?!? That's like horror movie bad. Alien movie bad. I ended up calling my cardiologist in the middle of the night flipping out with Kleenex everywhere. Not my finest moment.

Okay heart buddies. To spare you the trouble, I'm going to tell you what he said and give you the heads up I would have appreciated. DON'T put anything up your nose. That just makes it worse. Apply direct hard pressure to the bridge of your nose and wait it out. If the bleeding lasts over an hour, head to the nearest ER and have them pack it for you. Apparently this is totally normal and even expected to happen. Don't panic and if you have to go to the doctor bring a list of all your medications. Sounds like good advice to me!

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