Monday, November 2, 2009

Don't feed the heart patient.

Ever see those signs at the zoo? Don't feed the lions! I need a t shirt that says don't feed the heart patient. Seriously. I do.

I know everyone means well but cardiac rehab patients are put on a very strict diet. The no salt, no fat, lots of whole grains kind of diet. It's designed to help with rapid weight loss and prolong our lives. Everything on the no no list directly relates to heart disease. Now if the cardiac rehab patient you know is sticking to the diet he or she is serious about living a long time. They're doing their part to fight heart disease. Don't try to feed them!!!

It's human nature. When someone gets sick family and friends break out the honey hams and casseroles to drop off with the family. They bring cookies and fudge baked with love and come to visit. Heart patients love the visits. We hate the food. When our diets start to work we're dropping weight. The same concerned family member that brought you the fat loaded tuna casserole will start encouraging you to put "some meat on your bones" and will encourage you to order fattening food at a restaurant.

I know you mean well, but heart patients know what they're doing. They're getting leaner and meaner to fight off heart disease and erode what heart problems that may remain. Cheats and treats are a miserly few and only your heart patient will know when they're due for one. Most times a loved one can do more harm then good.

Did you know chocolate is loaded with caffeine? Caffeine can cause a rapid heartbeat. This means that your heart patient you just brought fudge to knows how dangerous it is. You, unfortunately, do not. We may REALLY love your fudge recipe but we just can't eat it right now. I know you also may consider a "heart healthy" dish. The problem is the ingredients. Cheese, butter, eggs, and red meat can actually sicken someone who's become unused to eating them. Salt is a HUGE problem. Salt can cause heart patients to retain fluid. This may not sound to bad until you consider where it can go... into our lungs and chest cavity.

You're encouraged to not feed the lions at the zoo because what you give them may harm them. Unfortunately, the same rule applies to us. It puts us in a no win situation. If we don't eat it or accept it we risk hurting your feelings. If we do accept and eat it we risk harming ourselves. Can I make a suggestion? Try flowers or reading material when you visit your loved one. My absolute personal favorite is just bring yourself. If you feel like you must do something, make a donation to a heart related charity. I'd be THRILLED if someone donated to my cardiac rehab facility or the American Heart Association. Honestly, there's no greater gift then your love. It's plenty. I promise.

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