Friday, February 19, 2010

Baby workouts lead to big things.

Don't have time to work out? Sure you do. There are lots of itty bitty things that you can do that really add up. By adding up I mean they get easier and pretty soon that Y membership will come in handy or that Zumba class may seem like fun. These are just a few of the little things that EVERYONE can do to start down the right track. I've discovered they're fun and it amazes me how much time you can find in a day and how much I can get done in my free minutes!

Park in the back. It's win, win. You're car won't get dented and you get some exercise. Parking as close as you can isn't a contest folks. Take a brisk walk from the back and you have just squeezed in a baby workout. Also, go on a cart hunt! Getting a cart from the lot and pushing it inside helps you and helps the poor sucker that has to do it later in the rain. When you're done with it, put it back! If not at the door, at least in the cart spots. Bonus points for spotting "sporty chick." You know the one. They're the women that jockey for the space riiight next to the handicapped ones then hop out in their yoga clothes. When they're done loading their health food they leave the cart right in the middle of the lot. Healthy folks aren't they? Now clock yourself. I PROMISE your baby workout will take 2 minutes longer then their time saving. Doesn't make much sense does it?

We also spend a bunch of time in the kitchen and watching TV. Why not tuck some free weights in your kitchen? While I'm waiting for my water to boil or my microwave to ding I'm getting in some bicep curls. You can accomplish a ton in one minute! I still stare at my coffee pot and curse it for going slow. I just do it while I'm working on my triceps. Pretty soon you'll be disappointed with the time limit and want to add more reps on your own.

I l.o.v.e. commercials. Every commercial I try to get up, stretch, and move around a bit. Tuck in a rep or two of sit ups or push ups and you're on a roll! Work out the kinks or even limber up with some basic yoga poses. Toe touches, knee lifts, you get the idea. When the commercial is over I go right back to playing Bejeweled online but I'm looking out for the next one! I was suprised how much this got the blood moving and loosened me up.

So let's see. While wearing this dang heart monitor 24/7 I went grocery shopping, cooked dinner, watched TV, and typed this blog entry. I ALSO had a walk, did 40 push ups, 80 crunches, and completed 3 full reps of weights. Pretty. Darn. Cool. How much time did I lose working out? None.

Oh! One more thing. I'm strapped to a monitor around the clock and obviously monitored more the any human would ever want to be by a doctor. I'm watched so closely I could be a bug under my cardiologist's microscope. My whole team is absolutely amazing but the objective is to get to a point where I don't need them anymore.If you think you need to ask a doctor before being more active, please do. Otherwise you may end up the bug to. Use your brain before you do something dangerous.

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