Thursday, February 4, 2010


I'm a murderer. I smashed a bunny on the way home from Publix. Of all the critters running in the roads I had to hit a bunny. Now before you laugh... a little back story.

My mom LOVED bunnies. She collected all things bunny and when she passed away I ended up boxing up well over 100 beautiful ceramic and glass ones. After she died I started seeing bunnies everywhere, even the cemetery where she's buried. I know it's likely just my imagination but it's almost like she's saying hello and checking on me. On my first heart walk out of the hospital I saw two bunnies. One didn't hop off as I got closer. I know it's silly but when you don't feel good and you miss your mom seeing something like that helps.

I saw that bunny on the side of the road and thought hi Mom! The he kamikazed me. He ran right out and I smashed him. I got out hoping I could take it to the vet but there was nothing to be done. It's kinda funny I know but good grief! A bunny?!? Why a bunny? Couldn't it have been an armadillo or something? There's nothing really redeeming about an armoured possum. Does anyone know how to fix bad bunny karma? I know it's silly but I got to redeem myself here! This is a picture of me visiting my mom and grandparents. Those are her actual bunnies around her. It looks like I just earned myself a new heart goal. Once I'm better I'm making a road trip and bringing Mom another bunny. She's due a visit and now I miss her more then ever.

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