Friday, March 19, 2010

Arts and Crafts!

It's Art's and Crafts time in Fairhope! I love this festival so much it's not even funny. I go every year and amble around for at least one whole day. Every year it gets bigger so you can spend hours wandering around without seeing the same thing twice.

This year, going posed some challenges but I went anyway. Parking was it's usual nightmare but I managed. I wore my heartrate and step counter just to keep an eye on myself. I walked 4 miles today! Very, very cool. My heart was still beating too fast but I managed to work around it. I sat when I needed to and stayed moving at a steady pace most of the time. Lunch posed a problem! This is the food court. Yum right? I made two whole laps around this thing...

I avoided THIS even though homemade ice cream on a spring day is one of my favorite things. It looks fabulous but it's really not heart healthy. Best to stay away right?

I settled for wok stir fry. I know, I know. It's still not heart healthy. At times like this you HAVE to eat. Skipping meals can be just as bad as eating a bad one. I should have thought ahead and packed a granola bar but I didn't think about it. I knew I had to eat something so I settled for something with veggies and noodles. When you get stuck in a situation where there isn't a salad in site just do your best. Considering the food here is mainly fried, I think I picked okay. Kinda sad though huh? Not ONE healthy option! You can order fried oreos, gator on a stick, funnel cakes, and gallons of sweet tea. Corn dogs, ice cream, and tons of fried seafood. The only salad I saw was a Greek monstrosity covered in feta and creamy dressing. Back. Away. Slowly. It's pretty sad to me that you can't get a healthy meal (or even a reasonable one) at the festival. We all love to wear the ribbons for heart health but we can't get the food. As for the restaurants? Crawfish boils, BBQ setups, and restricted menus. I struck out there to. Seriously. What's up with this?

This is the only thing I bought myself today. Some funny green sneakers. I saw them out and they made me smile so I brought them home. Aren't they silly? After a 4 mile walk I was tired! I love my new pills and I've definitely perked up. I feel full of energy and trapped a little bit. I wanted to stay longer but I came home. It's frustrating but improvement can be. I should have laid down but I couldn't bring myself to. Me and my silly sneakers pulled a chair out on my sun deck. I "rested" by spending an hour soaking up spring sunshine and listening to the classic rock from the band on the other side of the marina. It's not like I can't go back right? Tomorrow is a new day and I think I may just go walk a little more. I'll just pack and apple next time.

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