Friday, March 12, 2010


I'm wireless! I had to wear a heart monitor for 21 days so that my cardiologist could get an idea of what my heart is doing. We're still waiting on the results so I can't post what the verdict is yet. I've either got a rapid heartrate naturally or I've got an electrical problem. I'm going to practice classic avoidance for the next little bit and not think about it. I know about each option and have looked into both. Until I know, I'm closing the door on all of it just appreciating not having anything taped to my chest on this gorgeous sunny day.

This is a picture of what I've been carting around in what I've got for cleavage. Stickers, wires, and little black gadgets. Sooo glad that's over! It's actually a really cool system. I attached a 3 lead monitor to my chest and the 3 wires connected to that oval thing in the middle of the picture. That thing recorded and monitored my heartbeats and sent them, via Bluetooth, to a special Verizon cell phone I had to carry with me at all times. The leads had to stay on no matter what. The only time I could unhook them was when I took a shower and changed them out after. I was allowed to go about my daily life just as long as I didn't push it. Pretty cool huh?

There were some downsides though. That darn cell phone didn't work in my bedroom! No matter what I did, it wouldn't transmit data back there. I had to sleep on my couch for a month. Carrying a cell phone everywhere is harder then it looks! The restroom, cooking, in my purse...try keeping something within 10 feet at all times. It's hard! Also, that 10 feet was more like 5 before it started chirping. The worst though were the sticker leads. I've developed an allergy to the adhesive and gel in them. Not surprising, considering I've had them on so often in the last 7 months. It happens to alot of us. By the end of week one I got that itchy, burnlike rash that I see on so many heart buddies. It looks and acts just like tiny burn blisters that are shaped exactly like the circular leads. I tried to move my stickers around everyday but all I accomplished was looking like I'd been attacked by an octopus by the end of the month.

Oh well. It's over! The octopus marks are fading already and I slept in my own bed last night. I mailed the equipment back to Lifewatch this morning so all I have to do is wait for my doctor to call me. Frankly, until I get the results, I'm much more interested in spring arriving in the marina. The ducks are back, the sun, and more and more boats arrive and go everyday. I got to take my walk today under a sunny sky wearing a tshirt! A new season is here and I'm going to do everything I can to make sure it's a great one.

1 comment:

  1. Woo Hoo !! I love wireless. You should ask the doc if it can be set up to give free WiFi.
