Thursday, May 13, 2010

Marina cleanup...

Ah, marina life. Some days it's a blast, some days it's an adventure, and some days are just, well just this. "Hey? HEY!!! Get out of there!" First thing this morning I'm greeted by an unwelcome visitor. A big yellow lab decided to come aboard and busted the trash bag I had left outside. Really? Really?!? On the boat?!? He flipped out, I was flipping out, and he booked it back on the dock. Punk. I was later informed that the garbage groupie belongs to a shrimper on the other side of the marina. Great. Nice to know he lives here now. This is totally uncool. That dog is all up in my egg first thing in the morning. It's not fair invading someone's personal space that early. Just saying. It would have been nice to have at least had a Diet Coke before I have to pick up yesterday's coffee filter.

Moving on! It was cardiologist day! You have to love any visit that doesn't involve bad news. Come on heart buddies, we've all been there. Months of semi bad news, new rules, and miles of tests. Blah. Not today! I had to have an EKG done because I still have chest pain BUT everything was great. My test results came back from the awful heart monitor and they're mostly good. I am officially a hummingbird. I told you so! My heart just beats fast. Really fast. As usual, my normal is abnormal. It's nice to know I'm still an overachiever. I'm stuck with the pills I have for the next few years but there's nothing on the charts that should give me any problems. Just. Be. Careful. I'm going to keep having heart spasms and they'll occasionally hurt. It's nothing I can't handle though so I'll take it!

And finally... Meet the blob. Gross huh? The unidentified thing floated around my marina all day just driving me nuts. Some marina spectator theories were something oily, something dead, or something alive and floating. Yeah right.

I couldn't stand it! I retrieved my pole and watched it float closer. Corey manned the camera probably hoping I'd fall in. Once I got out on a finger pier I was fishing.

Round two! I'm telling you guys, I had to hook this thing. Success! What did I get for my efforts?

A stinkin' plastic bag. Everyone in the marina has been staring at a bag all afternoon. Brilliant. At least my marina is clean right? Right? Yeah, I'm not buying it either. I can't believe I fished for a Publix bag. :( At least I'm looking tan!

1 comment:

  1. hilarious...all that for a plastic bag. too bad it didnt have something interesting inside
