Monday, January 31, 2011

Sometimes thank you just doesn't say it.

I'm not a "big" person. In my family I'm not the prettiest, or the smartest, or the most ambitious. If you asked them to describe me they would say I was the sweetest. All of my treasures that I stored or put on the boat are either gifts or things inherited from the family members I've lost. We gave away the rest when Corey and I decided to live in this crazy and wonderful way. I'm not big on "things" but the treasures from my loved ones... those I kept. All of them.

If I had to describe myself I would use the word temperate. My biggest wishes are for happiness and health, usually for other people. I love peace and quiet and being on the water. I'm a mostly happy, mostly nice, mostly quiet person. Want to see me uncomfortable? Make me the center of attention. All I want out of life is to love my husband and family, live on this boat and travel a little, and treasure every breath and day after August of 2009. No big aspirations there! I don't want anything because I honestly don't NEED anything. Can you believe this, I'd actually be embarrassed to ask for or have more. It's just not right when I've been so lucky already.

It's no secret that I'm one of those girls that wants little and receives way too much. Yesterday was my birthday and I got all the phone calls and texts from my family and friends that I always do. Do you know what else happened? Facebook! This may seem very silly to you guys but it meant the world to me. I woke up to over a dozen birthday posts on my wall. By lunch, three dozen. By the end of a truly fabulous birthday about 150 people had taken a moment out of their day to post a "happy" for me to read.

Can you believe that? That many? What a gift! For a girl like me nothing could have shocked or touched me more. Thank you for my birthday present guys. It meant the world to me. In true Gillian spirit my birthday wish is simple. I want everyone to have as blessed and happy a year as you wished me. Seriously. Be happy, be nice to each other, and try your best to be healthy!

Thank you, thank you, you're more then I deserve. With friends like you it's going to be a wonderful year!

Update - Chuck has decided to participate as well. Right after this posted I stepped on a flying squirrel. Chuck sat serenly on our railing, looking very proud of himself. Sigh. It looks like Corey is on critter cleanup detail while I boot the cat onto the dock for a few hours. Let the year of 32 begin!


  1. You are a beautiful soul Gillian. Never underestimate your inner beauty.

  2. nice. nothing like a dead squirrel to say "happy birthday!"

  3. I just need to say... I believe the will to LIVE... truly live ~ beyond merely surviving ~ is the highest and most admirable of all aspirations. You inspire people with your life...and you should know that. :)
