Wednesday, January 13, 2010

I'm not a doctor!

No news flash there! I'm a 30 year old blogger. The closest I'm ever getting to a lab coat would be for a Halloween party. I'm getting a major crash course in heart disease but it's just that. A crash course. That's why I built this blog. What I learn, I share! Now sharing means I passed kindergarten but here's what I think about this blog...

You are NUTS if you listen to just me! Good grief even I don't listen to me! I change my mind 10 times a day. What I write, I've researched. I talk to my doctor, my nurses, my heart buddies. I ask a ton of questions and drive myself nuts reading every single page of everything in my medical file. Often this just means more Google searches and more questions. See where I'm going with this? Sometimes what I learn is good for me and bad for others. OR... I just may be flat out wrong. I know, I know shocking right?!? If you bust me let me know by the way. I'll fix it!

If I depend on other people and resources so should you. Just because I think Aspirin is a great tool for fighting heart disease (It is!)doesn't mean you need to start popping pills. I asked a doctor and so should you. At the most, I'm just one more tool to answer some questions you may have. I'm just a blogger and this is just my little story. There are so many of us after all. If everyone with heart disease blogged there would be a million different stories online. So do what I do best. Ask, ask, ask! Do you have a family history? Do you need to be tested? Should you take blood pressure medication? I don't know but I bet somebody does!

1 comment:

  1. If I didn't know better, I'd think this was a paid endorsement, lol!! I'm a grapenuts nut myself.
