Tuesday, January 5, 2010

I'm stuck!

Corey was happily bumping around the marina chit chatting with the locals when I decided to creep out for a cup of coffee and some grocery shopping. I found a downside to the Tin Dome when I got back. I'm stuck! Winter low tides have set in and as you can see in the picture from yesterday the Tin dome has high docks. Our boat had dropped with the tide and was bobbing away several feet below the boards.

Stink. Now how does THIS work?!? I was soooo not letting go of my hot coffee (It's freezing!) and I could just see myself busting it, coffee and all, crash landing on the boat. How bad did I want the coffee? Pretty bad. I stood there on the dock, pacing back and forth and looking for the best place to land when Corey noticed me.

I can just see the wheels turning. Why is my wife freezing her butt off looking at the boat? I say nothing. He looks away. He looks back a minute later and I'm still there. This is getting embarrassing. See, these are the moments when it's good to be married. I'm about to look like an idiot. I've NEVER needed help getting on a boat! This is downright demeaning.

"You okay?" Dang it, the heart nazi in Corey has kicked in and he's walking my way. The moment of truth is here and I have to confess.
"I'm stuck!" I holler over to him. I puff up, waiting to get picked on, while he walks over and assesses the situation.
"Yeah, you're stuck." He pulls the boat over and helps me and my coffee onto the bow. It's the highest part to reach and at 5'2 it's still a bit of a jump for me. Good grief.

Corey doesn't say a word. He's 6'3. He goes back and grabs the groceries then nimbly jumps onto the stern of the boat. I'm ready for it now! He's going to pick on me. He deposits our groceries in the galley then pulls me into a hug. I got the sweetest of kisses, he touched my face, then flipped my ponytail. "I love you." He said.

Corey turned to go back outside while I stood there remembering all the reasons I love him. It's moments like this I realise how lucky I am. He's a keeper.

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