Saturday, January 9, 2010

What the heck it that?!?

Southern girls don't need this. This is the deep south and that means a sub temperate climate. That's just a baby step up from tropical. That means warm!!! I think someone forgot to clue in the weather guy. Freezing rain and even colder temperatures have settled in overnight and things were about to get ugly in the marina. Southern girl, meet ice. Ice, meet southern girl.

I poked my head outside on a mission to find a cup of coffee and a granola bar. My foot hit the dock and kept going. Flapping like a duck DOES NOT keep you on your feet by the way. My bootie hit the boards and I almost slid off the dock! Off the dock!!! Me and a piling quickly made friends and I managed to stomp on a taunt dock line on the boat next to ours. Eeeerrrack! The boat shifted sharply towards me and my dock line sunk. Shooting stink eye at the boat I hugged my piling tighter and shifted myself more securely back onto the dock.

What the heck is that?!? There's ice on the dock. ICE!!! In the south! The only thing I'm used to seeing on the docks is bait fish from some kid's cast net and some occasional pelican poop. I can't hardly believe it. I actually poked it with my finger. Yup, ice. Good grief. I've ridden out tropical storms and foul weather on board. This is by FAR the funkiest thing I have ever seen.

The piling gave me a splinter (Guess it wasn't my friend after all.) and I was wet and dirty with board funk. NOT a good way to start the morning. Forget it. I slipped and slid back inside and settled for oatmeal, an apple, and a Diet Coke. It's karma. I shouldn't eat the coffee and granola bar anyway. After digging out my splinter it occurred to me... this is the second time in one week I've been semi stuck! First I can't get on and now I can't get off! Adventure, adventure. Boating is supposed to be fun and interesting and funky! Somehow I just always pictured summer in those plans. Ha!

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