Sunday, January 3, 2010

Itty bitty

I NEVER thought I would complain about this! Ever! I'm too little. My sister calls me Itty Bitty and boy am I an overachiever! Now before you sniff and turn away from the screen in disgust keep in mind this isn't a diet you want to be on. Want to drop weight fast? Have a heart attack! There's nothing like almost dying to motivate a person to eat well. This picture was taken in September. I'm a little smaller now.

Why is this a problem? I can't find clothes! Everything is XS and size zero. You guys are going to laugh but I went to Old Navy to buy blue jeans today. I can't wear their size zero. HOW are they too big?!? I fit into their girls 14 jeans. Great. I'm a 12 year old. No, I didn't buy them. The grown up in me sniffs at wearing britches with flowers on the butt and sparkles on the pockets. I'm not that desperate yet!

How did this happen? Well, I was already pretty small when I had my heart attack. I was put on a new heart healthy diet and I really took to it! No salt, no fat, no mammals. I love it! Everything is fresh and colorful and low in fat. Of course, I cheat occasionally but for the most part I've jumped on the healthy bandwagon. Pretty soon I'll be out of rehab and able to get back to the gym. I'll be packing on muscle and keeping off the fat so hopefully I'll be a little bigger.

And as for the eating disorder question... No!!! I've never had one and that's not why I had a heart attack. Please people! I was born in New Orleans! I LOVE food! Meet me at the Dew Drop and I'll prove it to you! I still have dreams about those chili dogs...

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