Friday, January 15, 2010

The meanest treadmill I've ever met!

I got stuck in the hospital for one reason. Rule out a life threatening problem! I'm just the same now as when I went in a few days ago. Nothing has changed, I just know that whatever IS wrong isn't going to leave me on the carpet again. I wish I could be grumpy about the useless hospital stay but I can't. I've met the carpet. We've been up close and personal and once was enough. At least the hospital ruled out the scary stuff.

This is how the wonderful people at Thomas do that. Meet the most awful treadmill in the world. I'm pretty sure everyone gives this thing the stink eye. They should! The treadmill of death is designed to make you reach a maximum heart rate. It's a breaker of men and tough little chicks.

Just think about it. You've been kept up all night getting bloodwork done every 4 hours. Your arms are beat and you still have an IV in. There's no food or water for 12 hours before because if you flunk, you get to have surgery. You're wheeled downstairs where they make you take your top off and then tape about a dozen leads to your chest. The tape keeps them from moving around but it's guaranteed to take some skin off to. You get an ECHO (still topless) to see what your heart looks like at rest then you wait like that on a gurney till the cardiologist shows up.

I ALWAYS get the ECHO jelly stuff in my hair. No clue why, but it always ends up there. I also have a bad habit of giggling a little bit when the test starts. Seriously though, jogging on a treadmill in pink pajama bottoms and running shoes while topless with ECHO jelly in your hair is mildly ridiculous. Add in the wires, the hospital gown tied over your chest, and the techs asking how you got your abs and you've got yourself a truly weird afternoon. HOW did I get here?!?

The test starts easy and then gets faster every 15 seconds. Before you know it you're running flat out. Heart rate goes up, misery sets in, and you just keep going. They want to see what my heart looks like under alot of stress. In other words, you don't get off till you're gasping for breath and literally can't go anymore. My first stress test I made it 7 minutes. This time, after five months of rehab, I made it 8. Believe it or now this is great! I passed with flying colors. Whatever is causing my heart to work hard, it's not a blockage. The news is delivered right then and the paperwork starts. I get to go home!!! So there you go. If you ever find yourself in a stress test room you'll know a little bit of what to expect. I hate the test but I LOVE the results! I got breakfast, a ride home, and peace of mind. That's worth any amount of tests. Now we just have to figure out where the problem REALLY is. Doctor in two weeks. Fingers crossed for answers!

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