Sunday, January 10, 2010


The inside ones are worse. The outside ones, meh, not so bad. Now don't get me wrong. I've seen some doozies on my heart buddies. All I'm saying is we tend to worry about them more then we need to.

In the five months since my surgery my cathe scar has shrunk down to the size of a pencil lead and paled in color. Seriously?!? I was all pissed and worried about that little thing? And what if I had a big one? So what! As a girl I'm going to say something crazy. If you love your body I promise everyone else will to.

Let's be honest here. If you're married your spouse has already seen worse then a cathe scar. You know he snores, he's kissed you before you've brushed your teeth. You've dealt with whiskers in the sink and socks on the floor and I'll bet he's held your hair while you've thrown up. See what I mean? I seriously doubt your husband was hanging by your hospital bed wringing his hands over what your scar was going to look like. If he was he's a stinker and you can do better.

So what to do? Forget about it! If your clothes are coming off I can PROMISE you that your guy would much rather deal with that then spend the next 45 minutes reassuring you that you're still pretty. You are and you've still "got it." So do yourself a favor. Don't ruin your self image because you were tough enough to survive. We've earned our scars so rock them!

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